Post cult counselling and rehabilitation


It is essential that families and concerned persons understand that therapeutic work involved in assisting cult victims continues beyond the time that the person departs the cult environment. Post-exit counselling is an intrinsic and essential part of the healing process.

Research has shown that some former cult members require an equivalent time in counselling to the amount of time spent in the cult.  In the USA dedicated residential programs have been established to facilitate the healing required following departure from a cult.

The aim of post-exit counselling is to address a number of central and personal issues relating to the cult victims' experience. They include:

  • Reconnecting with the family
  • Re-establishing trust
  • Feelings of guilt and disorientation
  • Concern about those left behind in the cult
  • Understanding their own vulnerability
  • career and vocational options
  • Financial survival
  • Legal implications

Cult Consulting Australia

P.O Box 34 Balaclava, Victoria, 3183 Australia

Tel: +61 3 9523 2299

Email : info