Cults & Mind Control

Unbeknown to the public at large, the cult phenomenon and mind control continue to prosper in Australia. Small or larger organizations, some posing as churches, religious and meditation groups, self-development and multi-level marketing organizations operate freely. In addition, individuals posing as healers, fortune tellers, psychics, and self-proclaimed spiritual leaders claiming to be God prey on vulnerable people robbing them of their individuality, sense of purpose and connections with family and the community.

Who Can Be Affected by Mind Control?

No one is immune from the clutches of those who set out to entrap and recruit new members. Cults affect a wide range of personalities from highly educated, mature individuals to inexperienced teens. Anyone can become entangled in the web; the cults know exactly how and when to strike.

A woman is sitting in a lotus position in the grass with her eyes closed.

What is a Cult?

Many queries to Cult Consulting Australia are from people wanting information as to whether a particular group or organisation is a cult or not. The difficulty is that the term cult is applied to many situations and it is often difficult to define. CCA’s position is that any organization that removes freedom of individuality and personal choice is a cult. As a general outline, the following criteria that define a cult or mind control situation should be helpful. Cults.

Remove freedom of choice

Redefine family relationships

Alter the member’s belief system

Disallow questions and criticism

Expect worship and obedience

Promise unattainable outcomes

Promote the belief it is the only true belief system

Offer overbearing friendship and love

A woman is standing in a field with her arms outstretched

What is the Effect of Mind Control?

The damage done is immense and far-reaching. Cults readily take ownership of members’ money and assets, isolate them from their family and friends, physically and mentally abuse them ultimately taking total control of their life. They may approach potential recruits who are most vulnerable, offer love and friendship, a sense of belonging, a glorious trouble-free future; ultimately, they steal their very being.

Not only does this affect the mental health of the individual, it encompasses the entire person; mind, body and soul. The immediate and extended family as well as friends and colleagues are often affected; the results can linger for years often resulting in long term damage.

Most countries realise the very dangerous link of mind control being used to indoctrinate young people into becoming terrorists. Around the world, various cults have been banned and strong penalties are applied to these groups and organizations. Although CCA has been very vocal regarding these concerns for many years, unfortunately, here in Australia there have been little, if any, inroads made to curtail cult activity.

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