About Us

Cult Consulting Australia CCA (formerly Cult Counselling Australia) was established in 1991 in response to the growing number of cults and personal development groups operating in Australia.

The emergence of cults in Australia was not limited to the better-known eastern cults which had become very popular in the 70's and 80's. Numerous other groups like alternative churches, personal development groups, psychics, faith healers and such were also cause for concern. After the 9/11 terror attacks, CCA took an interest in the similarities of mind control in cults and compared them to the similarities used by terror groups in recruitment.  Our organisation is the only formally structured organisation that operates in Australia specifically dealing with mind control and as such we are widely recognised as experts in the field. We have reported to the government both overseas and in Australia and have provided valuable information to the protective authorities, the judiciary, medical and teaching professions. We are based in Melbourne, however, we work interstate and overseas.

  • CCA is a non-denominational organisation
  • CCA is committed to families who have been affected by mind-control organisations
  • CCA does not engage in any unprofessional or coercive practices
  • CCA is committed to education and awareness as the most effective means by which to curtail the recruitment of mind-control groups
  • CCA is committed to informing the helping profession to better understand how to assist people who are victims of mind control
  • CCA is committed to providing expert advice to the legal fraternity, government and security agencies, medical professionals and the community at large
  • CCA believes that there are similarities between the means used by cults to indoctrinate their followers and the methods used by terror groups to radicalise their recruits


Cult Consulting Australia

P.O Box 34 Balaclava, Victoria, 3183 Australia

Tel: +61 3 9523 2299

Email : info @cultconsulting.org