Exit counselling for cult victims


Assisting concerned persons whose loved ones have become enmeshed in a cult is a central aspect of CCA’s work. People seeking assistance in this regard are requested to complete the online enquiry form as the first step. Once the client has filled out the form, a staff member will be in contact to discuss the matter further. Please go to the online form.

If the situation falls within our brief you will be offered an appointment.  The first appointment is considered an assessment of the overall situation.  Issues to be discussed during this assessment will include a family and personal background history, options for resolution, as well as a range of practical and logistic issues as well as financial considerations involved.


Potential clients need to understand that because of the nature of the work we undertake it is necessary for us to vet all enquiries prior to arranging an appointment. This provides security for our staff as well as the client. We do not reply to general queries but work with clients on a one-to-one basis. Each case is unique and treated as such. CCA considers all contact with clients to be sensitive and strictly confidential. Under no circumstances can we divulge any contact or work that we do with our clients to anyone else

It is recommended that anyone seeking assistance regarding a cult issue obtain a copy of “Cults Too Good To Be True” ( Harper Collins 1999) which outlines the approach adopted by CCA in dealing with these situations (see publications).

CCA charges a fee for professional services. These fees are an important part of the contract between the organisation and the client. These fees are included in our budget and form an essential component of its financial structure. We are a not-for-profit organisation and try to keep costs at a level that our services can be sought by those who require our services. All employees are salaried and as such have no personal gains or incentives from fees charged. We also engage the services of a range of experienced field workers.

When travelling interstate or overseas, staff and field workers are not permitted to accept accommodation in private homes. All our flights and accommodation is booked by our office.

CCA will endeavour to carry out our professional duties with care and proficiency at all times and achieve the best outcomes possible, however, due to the nature of the work we undertake CCA cannot guarantee results.




Cult Consulting Australia

P.O Box 34 Balaclava, Victoria, 3183 Australia

Tel: +61 3 9523 2299

Email : info @cultconsulting.org