Education Programs

Educating the community about mind control and the role it plays in relation to cult and terror organisations is a central component of CCA’s work. While there are numerous programs which deal with physical, emotional and sexual abuse there are few if any available that cover issues of mind control and psychological abuse. CCA believes that a proactive approach in this area by government, community and educational organisations would be a welcome inclusion in the fight against cults and terror recruitment.

Towards this end, CCA conducts programs for schools, corporate groups, statutory authorities and the helping profession.

These programs are offered in a variety of formats including classroom presentations, lectures, workshops and seminars.

The fee schedule is available on request.

For further information fill out the appropriate online form.

Cult Consulting Australia

P.O Box 34 Balaclava, Victoria, 3183 Australia

Tel: +61 3 9523 2299

Email : info